

CGTN 2020-08-24


China is now on its way to recovering from the COVID-19 crisis and is ready to share its experience with the rest of the world. A white paper "Fighting COVID-19: China in Action" was published on Sunday detailing the country's efforts in containing the infectious disease, while keeping society functional during the months of disruptions.

As the first country to be severely affected by the novel coronavirus outbreak as the first known cases were reported in the central Chinese city of Wuhan last December, it has managed to mitigate the epidemic with daily new infections dwindling to single digits from thousands in fewer than three months. 



With the country's top leadership at the helm of the emergency response, governments at all levels coordinated closely to carry out unprecedented large-scale epidemic prevention and control measures. 


  • 以确诊患者、疑似患者、发热患者、确诊患者的密切接触者等“四类人员”为重点,实行“早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗”和“应收尽收、应治尽治、应检尽检、应隔尽隔”的防治方针,最大限度降低传染率。

  • 关闭离汉通道期间,武汉对全市421万户居民集中开展两轮拉网式排查,以“不落一户、不漏一人”标准实现“存量清零”,确保没有新的潜在感染源发生。

Effective classification and isolation of coronavirus patients is what helped turn the tide in the early days of the epidemic. During the 76-day lockdown of Wuhan, local authorities completed two rounds of vetting for 4.21 million households.

On February 2, Wuhan health authorities started dividing cases into different categories amid a citywide health screening campaign.

All COVID-19 patients who exhibited mild symptoms were admitted to temporary hospitals converted from gymnasiums and exhibition centers. Suspected patients were sent to quarantine facilities away from residential communities, and anyone in close contact with confirmed patients were screened.  


  • 自1月24日至3月8日,全国共调集346支国家医疗队、4.26万名医务人员、900多名公共卫生人员驰援湖北。

  • 19个省份以对口支援、以省包市的方式支援湖北省除武汉市以外16个地市,各省在发生疫情、防控救治任务十分繁重的情况下,集中优质医疗资源支援湖北省和武汉市。

  • 人民解放军派出4000多名医务人员支援湖北,承担火神山医院等3家医疗机构的医疗救治任务,空军出动运输机紧急运送医疗物资。

  • 在全国紧急调配全自动测温仪、负压救护车、呼吸机、心电监护仪等重点医疗物资支援湖北省和武汉市。

As medical resources came under strain, health professionals from across the country were deployed to Wuhan. Various industries also pooled resources and manpower into the production of vital medical equipment, including masks, goggles, protective suits, disinfectant, and ECMO machines, to address the shortage of supplies for frontline healthcare workers.

"Over 42,000 medical professionals, including 19,000 respiratory and ICU doctors, from across the country, arrived in Wuhan to fight on the frontline," Ma Xiaowei, director of China's National Health Commission, said at the press conference on the white paper. What's impressive was that none of these doctors and nurses who risked their lives on the frontline were infected.


  • 针对疫情初期患者数量激增与床位资源不足的突出矛盾,集中资源和力量在武汉市建设扩充重症定点医院和救治床位,将全部重症危重症患者集中到综合实力最强且具备呼吸道传染性疾病收治条件的综合医院集中开展救治。

  • 建成火神山、雷神山两座各可容纳1000多张床位的传染病专科医院,改扩建一批定点医院,改造一批综合医院。

The sudden onslaught of the coronavirus outbreak caught all countries off guard, including China. The fast spread of the epidemic overwhelmed China's healthcare system at the initial stage of the outbreak.

Major hospitals in Wuhan were forced to radically restructure how they deliver care. Batches of hospitals were designated as special facilities to treat COVID-19 patients. The restructuring of hospital wards was completed in a matter of days to keep up with the rise in the number of coronavirus patients. 



Early treatment can limit the development of COVID-19. About 80 percent of patients only showed mild symptoms and didn't need ICU beds to recover early in the outbreak.

For these people, Wuhan turned 16 stadiums and exhibition halls into temporary medical centers, adding 13,000 more beds to put mild cases into quarantine. This greatly limited the long-term spread of the novel coronavirus.



To ensure all patients could receive standardized treatment, health authorities regularly updated the coronavirus diagnosis and treatment plan.


  • 筛选金花清感颗粒、连花清瘟胶囊/颗粒、血必净注射液和清肺排毒汤、化湿败毒方、宣肺败毒方等“三药三方”为代表的针对不同类型新冠肺炎的治疗中成药和方药。

  • 湖北省确诊病例中医药使用率和总有效率超过90%。

Three formulas and three herbal medicines have been selected to treat mild or asymptomatic COVID-19 cases, and more than 90 percent of confirmed cases in Hubei Province had treatments involving the use of TCM.


  • 充分利用大数据、人工智能等新技术,进行疫情趋势研判,开展流行病学调查,努力找到每一个感染者、穷尽式地追踪密切接触者并进行隔离。

  • 通过5G视频实时对话平台,偏远山区的流行病学调查团队可以与几千公里之外的高级别专家实时互动交流。

New technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence (AI) and 5G have been widely used in epidemic trend prediction and epidemiological investigation, which has contributed greatly to finding all infected cases and their close contacts. 


  • 采取积极、科学、灵活的救治策略,慎终如始、全力以赴救治每一位患者,从出生仅30个小时的婴儿至100多岁的老人,不计代价抢救每一位患者的生命。疫情发生以来,湖北省成功治愈3000余位80岁以上的新冠肺炎患者。

  • 实施患者免费救治。及时预拨疫情防控资金,确保患者不因费用问题影响就医,确保各地不因资金问题影响医疗救治和疫情防控。

Between economic interests and saving lives, China decidedly chose the latter. Regardless of age, everyone was given equal attention and resources.

In Hubei, more than 3,000 patients over the age of 80 recovered from COVID-19. To make sure the most vulnerable populations were not denied access to medical care, local governments reserved 149.9 billion yuan (21.2 billion U.S. dollars) for coronavirus treatment fund. Patients who were contracted or suspected of having contracted the virus could seek medical care without worrying about bills.  


  • 驻外使领馆尽力履行领事保护职能,通过各种渠道宣介疫情防护知识,向留学生发放100多万份“健康包”。

  • 协助在海外确有困难的中国公民有序回国。

Meanwhile, China's diplomatic missions around the world dispatched more than one million "health packs" containing essential medical supplies and COVID-19 prevention information to overseas Chinese students, and facilitated safe repatriation of Chinese citizens who were unable to return home due to travel restrictions. 



The number of confirmed cases and the death toll in Wuhan were revised in April, to take into account fatalities that were ignored at the initial stage of the outbreak, when the country's medics focused on treating patients. The WHO called the act an attempt "to leave no case undocumented."



The central government has rolled out a series of pro-business policies, including tax cuts, subsidies and financial support to ease the burden of companies, particularly small businesses, which have borne the brunt of the economic shutdown. 



"All citizens share a responsibility for the fate of their country. The 1.4 billion Chinese people, irrespective of their gender, age and occupation, have plunged themselves into the battle against the epidemic. Resilient and united, they represent a formidable force," the white paper stated. 



As China tamed the spread of the novel coronavirus, it started channeling aid to countries where the epicenter of the crisis has shifted to – from hosting video conferences to sharing lessons learnt, to sending experienced medical staff to affected countries.

The COVID-19 global pandemic, the most extensive to afflict humanity in a century, is a war that humanity has to fight and win, the white paper states.

"China firmly believes that as long as countries unite and cooperate to mount a collective response," the white paper continues. "The international community will succeed in overcoming the pandemic, and will emerge from this dark moment in human history into a brighter future."






